
来源:易贤网 阅读:1613 次 日期:2016-01-06 17:13:09


Nowadays, more and more people would like to move to other countries and settle down for better natural environment, and more educational opportunities. Whether these new settlers should accept new countries’ values and lifestyles has become a public focus. Before presenting my own opinion, I think it is essential to analyze both sides of the issue.

People in favor of acceptance to new values claim that once you live in a new environment, you have to adapt yourself to the new community. If not, you would feel psychologically isolated. Moreover, getting yourself in the new environment, you can develop a better career, for your employer will consider you to be an adaptable person. And your family also can get themselves involved in the new community. Last but not least, as you accept the new values and lifestyles, you can learn something new apart from your own culture.

Those who are against, however, argue that if the settlers accept new values and culture, they are considered to betray their own countries, so they no longer belong to their countries. Furthermore, new settlers are supposed to keep their own styles. For instance, their eating habits, religion believes, and so on. Last of all, it is a good way to preserve their tradition and culture, especially the ethnic, who are in minority of people.

Personally speaking, I tend to side with the former view. Though people should have their unique styles, it is crucial to adjust to the new environment and community. An old saying just illustrates my point: When in Rome, do as the Roman.


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