
来源:易贤网 阅读:806 次 日期:2016-01-11 10:25:47

When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

When I want to make a complaint about a defective product or poor service, I would rather make my complaint in writing. Writing a complaint allows me to organize my points of argument in a logical manner. If I'm really unhappy with the way I'm being treated, I want to present my reasons clearly. I don't want there to be any confusion about why I'm complaining. I like to list my complaints and then list supporting examples. That's the best way of making sure everyone is clear about what I'm saying.

Putting my complaint in writing also ensures it won't seem too emotional. If you feel that you're been treated badly or taken advantage of, it's easy to lash out. Losing your temper, though, is a sure way to lose your argument. Yelling is very satisfying at the moment, but it only makes the person you're yelling at mad at you. It doesn't get them to agree with you or to offer help.

There's also the issue of the person you're dealing with. If you complaint in person, you have to talk to whoever is there. Chances are that he or she isn't the person responsible for the defective product or the poor service. Often the people who take complaints are not the people in change, unless you're dealing with a very small business. Yelling at them isn't fair, and doesn't do anything to get a refund or satisfaction for you. You need to reach the person in charge. The best way to do that is in writing.

Writing about your complaint and sending the letter by registered mail also gives you written proof. It's clear that you tried to settle the matter in a reasonable manner within a certain time period. This way, if you need to take further action, you have physical evidence of your actions.

Writing a complaint has the advantages of organization, effectiveness, and fairness. That's why I prefer to write rather than personally present my complaints.

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