
中英双语:Will My Love Be Rejected?
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To: Tini ~ From: Bluet

Dear Tini,

It has been a long time since we met. I can't believe how long I've been loving you and how long I contained my love.

The look of your eyes and that smile that you gave me, melted my heart away. Those smooth cheeks you have, oh, I wished I could've given you a kiss right away. As soon as I see your face, my knees go weak, my heart throbs hoping to feel you around me. Your body is perfection and to me it does not matter.

I loved the way you looked at me the other day. I couldn't talk, my mouth felt numb and I stuttered. I wished I had the courage to do so 'cause you're the most beautiful angel I have ever seen. Maybe God closed my eyes to other girls and you attracted my attention. I have been waiting for you for 3 years now, I hope I'll be able to talk to you soon. I just don't have the courage.

Thanks for the smile you gave me. I really felt so lightened inside that I melted. I could say nothing but to just stare at your natural beauty. I wish we could go out together one day and we could have our nights by the bay and that I could pour out my feelings to you. Thank you, you awaken me, deep inside. Even if you don't love me, I'll always wait for you and no matter what, you are in my heart... no matter what happens. I hope I'll be able to hold you in my arms and tell you that I love you. That's all I need from you. I love you and that's a promise.

Love always,


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