
机试 Operating Examination
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Nowadays, with the development of the technology, more and more people count on the computer. Many operations have been carried by the machine, which improves the working efficiency. Even for the exam, many schools start to carry the operating examination. It has the good and bad sides.


On the one hand, operating examination can improve the efficiency. With the help of the machine, it can save so many people’s energy and money. What’s more, it is very flexible. Students will be chosen the different questions, in case they cheat on the exam.


On the other hand, operating examination also has the disadvantages. Once the students enter the button, there is no way for them to be regretful, even though they know the correct answers later. The paper examination can be corrected many times before they hand in it.


In the future, there will be more work to be operated by the computer, we must learn the technology, so that we can keep pace with the time. Operating examination is the trend, we can get use to it.

在未来,将会有中国足彩网的工作由电脑操作, 我们必须学习技术,这样我们就可以跟上时代的步伐。机器操作考试是趋势,我们可以适应过来。

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