
自拍是一种病? Is Self-Shot a Kind of Illness?
来源:易贤网 阅读:1095 次 日期:2017-03-29 17:14:08
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Nowadays, as the development of the high technology, the function of taking pictures of the cellphone is various, so people like to use their cellphones to take pictures as they want. Self-shot is very popular among the young people, they like to share their pictures anytime. But according to the research, self-shot is a kind of illness.


People like to show the things they see. When I go out with my friends, I find they will take out their cellphones, taking pictures all the time. When the food is served on the table, their first reaction is to take many pictures and then send on Weibo. When we go travel, my friends will low down their heads, watching their cellphones, because they have sent many self-shots and they are waiting for friends’ attention.


All of these situations make me feel pity on them. They have missed the beautiful moments, they haven’t enjoyed the delicious food and they haven’t appreciated the beautiful scenery with their hearts. The pictures are showed to others, we should enjoy the things that are around us. Don’t let self-shot become the illness.

所有的这些情形都让我为他们感到惋惜。他们错过了很多美好的时刻, 没有好好用心享受美味的食物和欣赏美丽的风景。相片是给人家看的,我们应该欣赏在我们身边的东西。不要让自拍成为一种病。

上一篇:诚实 Honesty
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