
来源:易贤网 阅读:681 次 日期:2017-07-10 09:10:37

A:You don't look too well. Maybe you should take the day off from work.你看起来脸色可不太好.也许你应该请一天假。

B:I couldn't do that. I have an important meeting to go to today.我不能请假。今天我有个很重要的会议要参加。

A:Do you feel ok?你觉得还好吗?

B:Not really. After a 12-hour flight, I've got jetlag, and on top of that, I think I've also got the flu.不怎么样。坐了12个钟头的飞机,时差还没倒过来,更要命的是,我觉得我还感冒了。

A:Why don't you call your secretary and tell her to reschedule the meeting? You should really get some rest or you'll end up feeling even worse than you do now.你为什么不给你秘书打个电话让她重新安排你今天的会议呢?你应该好好休息,否则过一会儿可能会比现在更难受。

B:Could you feel my forehead and check to see if I have a fever?你能不能摸摸我的额头,看我是不是有点发烧?

A:You're really hot. Let me get you some Tylenol to bring the fever down.真的很热。我去给你找点泰诺退烧吧。

B:Ok. I'll stay home this morning and rest, but if I feel better in the afternoon, I'm going to the meeting.好的,我今天上午就待在家里休息了,不过,如果我下午感觉好一些的话,我还得回去开会。

A:Zach, what's that on your arm?扎克,你胳膊上是什么东西?

B:I don't know. It looks a bit red, but I'm sure it's nothing.我不知道。看起来有点发红,但我敢肯定什么事都没有。

A:It looks like you have a red rash all over you! Are you allergic to anything?看起来你全身都起了红疹。你是不是对什么东西过敏?

B:Just cats, but I don't think I was near any cats in the last couple of weeks.只是对猫过敏,但是我敢肯定这几个星期都没接触过猫。

A:I completely forgot about your cat allergy. I took care of a cat for my friend here a few days ago. Oh no. we'd better go to the doctor and get some medicine. Let's go.我完全忘记了你对猫过敏了。几天以前我就在这儿帮我朋友照顾过他的猫。啊,不。我们最好去看医生,开点药。走吧。

B:Shouldn't we make an appointment first?咱们不需要提前预约吗?

A:We sould, but let's just go and see if there's an opening now before it gets worse.本来的确是需要的,但是在情况恶化之前,咱们还是赶紧去看看是不是有机会。

B:Whatever you say. I just want to get to my meeting!随你说什么。我只是想回去开会。

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