22. 句子:
Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the
consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo.句中:
(1) cargo = goods (尤其是指船、飞机、车辆所载的)货物,运输行业的用语.
例如: sepcial cargoes (特殊货物)
project cargoes (工程货物)
container cargo (集装箱货物)
general cargo (杂货、普通货物)
(2) goods 这个词与 passengers 相对应
例如: the shipment of goods (货物运输)
passenger transport (客运)
(3) commodity (生活必需品,在经济领域中解释的商品)
例如: household commodity (家庭用品)
commodity inspection (商品检验)
name of commodity = commodity name (品名)
(4) merchandise (销售、贸易领域中所指的商品、货物)
(5) article (它不象前面四个词那样的解释,即不是指商品或货物的总称,
例如: a bamboo article (竹器)
three articles of luggage (三件行李)
handmade articles (手工制品)
23. 句子:
Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the
customs and other public authorities.句中:
23.1 duty (税,税收)
customs duty (海关税)
excise duties (消费税)
stamp duties (印花税)
duty-free goods (免税商品)
23.2 authority 和 association
(1) authority 作为名词,而且以复数的形式出现时:
例如: the health authorities 解释"当局、权威机构"
(2) association 解释"社团、协会、学会、联盟"等
例如: China International Freight Forwarders Association(CIFA)
International Federation of Feight Forwarders Association
24. 句子: Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee.
我们在教材 p13 的第 12 行中发现有这样一个注释:
clear the goods for export (办理货物出口的清关手续)
那么本句中的 cleared goods 意思就很清楚了: "已清关的货物"
25. 段落小结:
通过 The forwarders, on behalf of the consignor (exporter), would:
和 The forwarders, on behalf of the consignee (importer), would: 两句
句子,作者把 freight forwarder 的服务范围理得清清楚楚,道得明明白白.
他采用罗列的形式逐条说明, 让读者感觉思路清晰,紧扣主题.In order to provide a set of uniform rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade, ICC first published in 1936 a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms known as “Incoterms 1936“. Later amendments and additions were made to it to bring the rules in line with current international trade practices. The latest edition is “Incoterms 2000“, which include 13 different international trade terms.
Each term specifies whether the buyer or the seller is responsible for arranging such necessities as export license, customs clearance, inspections, and other obligations. They specify at which point the risk of loss and / or damage passes from seller to buyer as well as which party pays for specific activities. A buyer and a seller who conduct their purchase and sale under one of the Incoterms, therefore, will have a mutual understanding of their rights, costs, and obligations.
Here six major trade terms are discussed. The traditional three trade terms are FOB, CFR and CIF, while FCA, CPT and CIP are new terms developed on the basis of the traditional ones.
They are suitable for any mode of transport and will be more widely used.
1. 要理解这篇文章,首先要了解对外贸易背景。这些常识位于书上的:
1.1 p13 第 2 – 4 行 ICC(国际商会)
1.2 p12 最后一段 Incoterms(国际贸易术语解释通则)
贸易术语(trade terms),又称价格术语或贸易条件。它是用一个简短的概念或英文缩写字母来表明商品的价格构成,说明货物在交接过程中有关风险、责任和费用划分等问题的专门术语,以确定买卖双方的基本权利和义务。
INCOTERMS 2000是指《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》的英文缩写.它是国际商会(ICC)为了统一对各种贸易术语的解释而制定的,最早产生于1936年.分别于1953年、1967年、1976年、1980年、1990年和2000年共修订过6次.现行的《2000年通则》对13种贸易术语进行了解释,按不同术语的共同特点和卖方责任由小到大排列,分为E组(启运术语)、F组 (主要运费未付术语)、C组(主要运费已付术语)、D组(到达术语)四个组.
1.3 p13 第 5 – 10 行 六种主要贸易术语的中英文对照
1.4 p16-17 补充注释 1–8 贸易术语的变形和其他贸易术语的中英文对照
1.5 p14-15 课文注释 6 六种主要贸易术语的详注