A:Here's Copellini's, my cousin's store.这里是可波里尼,我表妹的店。
B:Sounds like an Italian name with an “i”at the end.听起来应该是一个尼结尾的意大利名字。
A:Admit it. You just think of Mussolini.承认吧,你刚刚联想到墨索里尼。
B:No, I'm an art lover, so I think more of Bellini and Botticelli!不,我是个艺术爱好者。我比较会联想到贝里尼跟波底迦里!
A:Ah, yes. The Italians do love the sensual forms of the human body.对。意大利人的确喜欢满足感官刺激的人体。
B:Don't we all...hey! Your cousin sells gift items?谁不是呀……嘿!你表妹卖礼品吗?
A:Yeah-all from Italy. See all the saints? They're important to Roman Catholics.是啊——全是意大利货。看到这些圣徒吗?他们对天主教来说非常重要.