
口语交际:Talking about the blind-date person 谈论相亲的对象
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M:Jacob, are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine?

J:That depends. What does she look like?

M:Well, she's got a beautiful face and long curly red hair.

J:How tall is she?

M:She's fairly tall, maybe 2 inches taller than me.

J:Is she chubby?

M:Not at all. She's actually very athletic.

J:It sounds like she's pretty good-looking. Does she wear glasses?

M:No, but she does wear contact lenses.

J:How's her skin?

M:She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.

J:Does she have any piercings or tattoos?

M:I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos, one on her lower back, one on her neck, and one on her left foot.

J:What's the tattoo on her foot like?

M:It's a butterfly---everyone in her family has one.

J:Even her mother?

M:Yes, even her mother.

J:What's her personality like?

M:She's a lot like me.

J:So there is something wrong with her! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true!


1.chubyy 微胖的,丰满的

2.piercing 打洞的,穿孔的

3.contact lenses 隐形眼镜

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