
来源:北京师范大学学生就业与创业指导中心网 阅读:1572 次 日期:2013-04-08 16:15:51

招聘职位: 高级研究助理

招聘单位: 国际食物政策研究所北京办事处 /国际农业与农村发展研究中心

工作地点: 北京

申请截止日期: 2013年4月30日


国际食物政策研究所 (IFPRI) 北京办事处暨国际农业与农村发展研究中心 (ICARD) 诚招高级研究助理1名,为IFPRI中国项目提供科研和沟通方面的支持。该职位为2年期固定时限、可续约,任职者向IFPRI中国项目负责人直接汇报。供您参考:IFPRI总部网站:http://www.ifpri.org/ IFPRI北京分站:http://cn.ifpri.org/





a) 具有经济学、农业经济学、资源与环境经济学、统计学等相关学科硕士学位

b) 拥有2-3年相关领域工作经验

c) 精通Word, Excel和PowerPoint等办公软件及Access数据库,拥有运用Excel 数据表分析大型复杂数据集的切实能力

d) 娴熟掌握数据管理、加工、分析的办法,熟悉STATA、SAS等计量统计软件及其他编程工具

e) 能同时应对多个工作任务并按时提交成果报告

f) 有较强的中英文读写、听说能力(需提供英语能力证明材料)

g) 具有较强的沟通、协调、组织及执行能力,有团队合作精神


申请办法: 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱:ifpri_beijing@126.com



Department: IFPRI beijing office/International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD)

LOCATION: Beijing, China


Job Summary:

Beijing Office of International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD) seek a qualified candidate to serve as a Senior Research Assistant (SRA) to provide research, capacity strengthening and communications support to IFPRI China Program. The incumbent will work under direct supervision of IFPRI China Program Leader. This is a two-year, fixed-term, renewable appointment based in Beijing.

Essential Duties:

Perform various tasks involving data collection, data cleaning and maintenance, and data analysis using statistical software, such as STATA or SAS and other computer programs.Work intensively on the data of national household surveys, agricultural surveys, industrial surveys, and trade data for China and other countries.Work with senior research staff on country case studies with a focus on household/farm behavior analysis, or linking with various modeling methodologies.Perform literature review and synthesis on the topics assigned.Assist in proposal preparation for funding consideration.Assist in the preparation of discussion papers, donors’ reports, project briefs and briefing notes for dissemination.Other duties as assigned.

Required Qualifications:

Master’s degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics or related field.2-3 years of relevant work experience. Demonstrated experience with statistical software such as STATA and SAS.Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and knowledge of Access.Substantial skill using Excel spread sheets for complicated datasets.Demonstrated ability to handle multiple tasks and produce completed products on time.Strong Chinese and English writing and verbal skills.Demonstrated ability to conduct literature reviews, synthesize research findings and draft policy reports.Familiarity with data management, processing, and analysis.Strong interpersonal skills and a good team player.

Note: Salary to be discussed, with social insurance

TO APPLY: Please send your resume via email to:ifpri_beijing@126.com


招聘职位: 研究助理

招聘单位: 国际食物政策研究所北京办事处 /国际农业与农村发展研究中心

工作地点: 北京

申请截止日期: 2013年4月30日


国际农业与农村发展研究中心 (ICARD) 暨国际食物政策研究所 (IFPRI) 北京办事处诚招研究助理(RA)1名,为办公室提供科研协助和涉外沟通。该职位为2年期固定时限、可续约,任职者向IFPRI中国项目负责人或指定人直接汇报。供您参考:IFPRI总部网站:http://www.ifpri.org/ IFPRI北京分站:http://cn.ifpri.org/





a) 具有经济学、农业经济学、资源与环境经济学、统计学等相关学科硕士或学士学位;

b) 有加入科研团队并协助完成科研报告的经验

c) 能熟练使用办公软件,如Word, Excel和PowerPoint等,熟悉Access数据库

d) 能同时应对多个工作任务并按时提交成果报告

e) 具有良好的中英文读写、听说能力(需提供英语能力证明材料);

f) 工作勤奋主动、社交能力强。具有较强的沟通、协调、组织及执行能力,有团队合作精神。


a) 有实地调研经历者优先;

b) 熟悉计量统计软件和其他编程软件者优先,如STATA、SAS等


申请办法: 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱:ifpri_beijing@126.com


job TITLE: RESEARCH Assistant

Department: IFPRI beijing office/International center for Agricultural

and rural development (ICARD)

LOCATION: Beijing, China


Job Summary:

Beijing Office of International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) and International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD) seek a qualified candidate to serve as a Research Assistant (RA) to provide research, capacity strengthening and communications support to IFPRI China Program. The incumbent will work under the direct guidance of the IFPRI China Program Leader. This is a two-year, fixed-term, renewable appointment based in Beijing.

Essential Duties:

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

Perform various tasks involving data collection, data maintenance, and data analysis using statistical software and other computer programsConduct literature review and synthesisAssist in the preparation of background papers, discussion papers, project research reports, donors reports, policy briefs and briefing notes for disseminationAssist senior researchers in undertaking research projects funded by various sourcesAssist in the internal and external communication of research activities and outputsAssist with implementation of capacity strengthening activities and workshops/seminars/ and conferenceOther duties as assigned

Required Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics or related fieldExperience in preparing research reports for research team(s)Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and knowledge of AccessStrong Chinese and English writing skillsSelf-motivated, innovative spirit and excellent interpersonal and team skills. Demonstrated ability to handle multiple tasks and produce completed products on time

Preferred Qualifications:

Experience in field surveysFamiliarity with statistical software packages and internet-based systems such as STATA

Note: Salary to be discussed, with social insurance


Please send your resume via email to:ifpri_beijing@126.com


招聘职位: 项目助理

招聘单位: 国际食物政策研究所北京办事处 /国际农业与农村发展研究中心

工作地点: 北京

申请截止日期: 2013年4月30日


国际食物政策研究所 (IFPRI) 北京办事处暨国际农业与农村发展研究中心 (ICARD) 诚招项目助理1名,协助行政专员负责办公室的统筹管理。该职位为2年期固定时限、可续约,任职者向IFPRI中国项目负责人和行政专员直接汇报。供您参考:IFPRI总部网站:http://www.ifpri.org/ IFPRI北京分站:http://cn.ifpri.org/



支出核算:收集并归档收据,前往银行收取预付款并支付费用,定期编制开支报告会议筹备: 为研讨会或其他定期会议预订房间及餐饮、购置讲座等所需的办公耗材置办耗材: 定期购置日常办公用品,以充分保证工作所需网站管理: 与 IFPRI总部保持联络,跟踪其发布的新闻简讯,应要求翻译部分总部网站的文稿,每周/每月定期更新中文网站数据更新:维护并定期更新联络人清单及调研数据库文案记录: 定期归档、整合文案,以保证文稿系统的有序、完整和可追溯。记录和更新雇员的工作日程行程安排: 制定差旅计划表、办理签证、签发机票并应对行程的其他要求。审查并编制差旅费用报告,上报项目负责人或其他指定的人批准访客接待: 安排访客行程、预订酒店/办公室、预借和归还办公室钥匙、链接网络、协助完善会议/讲座安排其他: 完成项目负责人要求的其他相关工作


a) 大学学历(包括大学的应届毕业生),英语/行政管理专业优先;

b) 有行政管理及相关工作经验者优先;

c) 精通文字处理、电子表格、电子邮件及网络,熟练运用office软件及其他办公设备,如Word, Outlook, Excel和PowerPoint等;

d) 具有扎实的中英文读写、听说能力(需提供英语能力证明材料);

e) 能同时应对多个工作任务,并区分轻重缓急有序完成。自律,能在一定的指导下高质完成所负责的工作;

f) 可靠且勤勉尽责,注重细节、学习能力强者优先;

g) 社交能力强,具有较强的沟通、协调、组织及执行能力,有团队合作精神


申请办法: 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱:ifpri_beijing@126.com


job TITLE: Program Assistant

Department: IFPRI beijing office/International center for agricultural and Rural development (ICARD)

LOCATION: Beijing, China


Job Summary:

Beijing Office of International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) and International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD) seek a qualified candidate to serve as a Program Assistant to provide administrative and communication support. The incumbent will work under the overall guidance of the IFPRI China Program Leader and direct supervision of administrative coordinator. This is a two-year, fixed-term, renewable appointment based in Beijing.

Essential Duties:

Field expenses: collection and filing of receipts, bank runs to receive advances and pay expenses, and preparation of field expense reports.

Meetings and Workshops: Room reservation, meeting materials, presentation requirements and/or catering requirements for workshops and/or other periodic meetings.

Office supplies: Maintain adequate supply of commonly used/requested items for the office’s use.

Chinese website: Liaison with IFPRI HQ, Draft news for events or local activities, translation of required documents from HQ website and update the website weekly/monthly.

Maintenance and update of contact lists and survey databases

Files: Create and maintain a complete, updated and functional filing system for records; perform periodic archiving; and keep updated travel/leave calendar.

Travel arrangements: Travel planner form, visa, request for itineraries, issuance of ticket, and preparation of travel expense reports prior to approval by the program leader.

Visitors: itinerary arrangements, office/hotel reservation, pick-up and return of office keys, computer connections, and arrangement for seminar/presentation.

Other: Perform other duties/assignments that may be assigned.

Required Qualifications:

University degree, majors in English / Public Administration are preferred.Thorough knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet as well as email and internet; specific knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.Attention to detail and ability to follow through to closure.Ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize work.Command an excellent oral and written communication in English.Reliable, diligent and responsible with good interpersonal skills and a team player.

Note: Salary to be discussed, with social insurance

TO APPLY: Please send your resume via email to: ifpri_beijing@126.com


招聘职位: 行政专员

招聘单位: 国际食物政策研究所北京办事处/国际农业与农村发展研究中心

工作地点: 北京

申请截止日期: 2013年4月30日


国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)北京办事处暨国际农业与农村发展研究中心 (ICARD)诚招行政专员1名,为IFPRI中国项目的运行提供行政及沟通方面的支持。该职位为2年期固定时限、可续约,任职者向IFPRI中国项目负责人直接汇报。供您参考:IFPRI总部网站:http://www.ifpri.org/ IFPRI北京分站:http://cn.ifpri.org/


支持IFPRI北京办公室及ICARD的管理和运行a) 协助管理当地雇员(1名项目助理、2名研究助理),包括招聘、订立工作计划、监督管理、业绩评价等

b) 组织安排与职员和学生的会议并协助管理ICARD所属的硕博生

c) 指导完善项目预算并监督办公室日常支出

d) 校对审核国际食物政策研究所北京办事处及ICARD的财务支出报表

e) 保持办公室与IFPRI总部在财务、行政、人力、设施等方面的沟通协调

f) 撰写年度工作计划及进度报告

协调IFPRI 中国项目的实施a) 协助项目负责人与IFPRI和其他机构的研究人员开展合作研究

b) 招聘和协管国内及国际的咨询顾问,包括起草其职权范围、合同、支付方式等,同时负责追踪合同所述的产出品是否及时提交

c) 帮助达成项目出资人的报告要求

负责与相关国际机构、 政府部门和研究机构的联络与沟通a) 保持与中国项目中方主管单位的良好沟通

b) 协助定期地开展政策研讨会、圆桌会议、学术峰会、政策简报等

c) 协助项目负责人保持和在京国际机构、政府相关部门及其他政策制定者和科研人员的沟通联络

其他: 完成项目负责人要求的其他相关工作


大学学历,拥有至少3年的行政管理或相关工作经验;精通文字处理、电子表格、电子邮件及网络,熟练运用office软件及其他办公设备,如Word, Outlook, Excel和PowerPoint等;能同时应对多个工作任务,自律,可独立高质地完成所负责的工作;具有扎实的英文读写、听说能力(需提供英语能力证明材料);可靠勤勉尽责。注重细节,具有较强的沟通、协调、组织及执行能力有一定的财务知识基础,能协助制定项目预算并监管项目合同的执行


申请办法: 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱:ifpri_beijing@126.com


job TITLE: Administrative Coordinator

Department: IFPRI beijing office / International center for agricultural and Rural development (ICARD)

LOCATION: Beijing, China


Job Summary:

Beijing Office of International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) and International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD) seek a qualified candidate to serve as an Administrative Coordinator to provide administrative and communications support to the operation of IFPRI China Program in Beijing. The incumbent will work under the overall guidance of the IFPRI China Program Leader. This is a two-year, fixed-term, renewable appointment based in Beijing.

Essential Duties:

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

Assist in China Program Management and Coordinationd) Assist to coordinate with IFPRI research and outreach staff (both local and Washington-based) on various activities of China Program

e) Recruit and manage national and international consultants on a need basis, including drafting Terms of Reference, contracts, and payments, and tracking timely submission of contracted outputs

f) Prepare annual work plan and progress report

Assist in Policy Communication and Liaisond) Work with the program leader to maintain active policy communication with national counterparts through regular policy workshops, roundtables, seminars, policy briefs, and others.

e) Assist the program leader to Fulfill donor and government reporting requirements

f) Manage the meetings with staff and graduate students

Assist in Office Management and Administration of IFPRI Beijing Office and ICARD g) Manage local staff, including recruitment, work plan development, supervision, and performance review

h) Liaison with graduate students in ICARD

i) Monitor program budget and daily office expenditure flow

j) Validate the Field Expense Reports for both Beijing Office and ICARD

k) Liaise with host organization in China and IFPRI HQ in matters of finance, administration, HR, and facilities, oversee office procurement, including upgrading technology

Other: Perform other duties/assignments that may be assigned.

Required Qualifications:

University degree or above plus three years of administrative work experience or equivalent.Thorough knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet as well as email and internet; specific knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.Ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize work with minimal supervision.Excellent oral and written English skills (English Grade 8 is preferred). Demonstrated social skills, strong ability in communication, coordination, organizational ability, and execution.Attention to detail and ability to follow through to closure.Demonstrated expertise with financial information and familiarity with monitoring/managing project budgets and contractsReliable, diligent and responsible with good interpersonal skills and a team player.

Note: Salary to be discussed, with social insurance

TO APPLY: Please send your resume via email to:ifpri_beijing@126.com


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