
口语交际:你最近怎么样?How have you been?2017-11-16 口语交际:你来自哪里?Where are you from?2017-11-16 口语交际:我的车坏了 My car isn't working2017-11-16 口语交际:你女朋友什么样?What's your new girlfriend like?2017-11-16 口语交际:我只是感觉有点难过 I'm just feeling a little sad2017-11-16 口语交际:周末过的愉快吗?Did you have a good weekend?2017-11-16 口语交际:你马上就去上大学了吗?Did you go to college right away?2017-11-16 口语交际:你能帮我们照一张照片吗?Could you take a picture of us?2017-11-16 口语交际:你毕业后干嘛呢?What did you do after graduation?2017-11-16 口语交际:你邮箱地址是什么?What's your email address?2017-11-16 口语交际:那是个不错的葬礼 That was a nice funeral2017-11-16 口语交际:我有很多朋友 I have lots of friends2017-11-16 口语交际:绝不要欺骗我 Don't you ever cheat on me2017-11-16 口语交际:我讨厌出去 I hate to go outside2017-11-16 口语交际:看上去要下雨 It looks like rain2017-11-16 口语交际:我快热死了 I am dying from the heat2017-11-16 口语交际:这是Paulo This is Paulo2017-11-16 口语交际:我是个导游 I'm a guide2017-11-16 口语交际:关于公司培训 Talking about company training2017-11-16 口语交际:你喜欢爵士乐吗?Do you like jazz?2017-11-16 口语交际:谈谈你的哥哥和姐姐吧 Tell me about your brother and sis2017-11-16 口语交际:谈论韩国婚姻 Talking about marriages in Korea2017-11-16 口语交际:飞行员偷了个小型飞机The pilot stole a small plane2017-11-16 口语交际:你知道抢劫犯长什么样吗?Do they know what the robber look2017-11-16 口语交际:你这周末都干什么了?What did you do this weekend?2017-11-16 口语交际:私下了结了It has been settled under the rose2017-11-16 口语交际:他现在正处于困难中 He’s up a tree now2017-11-16 口语交际:他终于又可以下床走动了 He is up and about again2017-11-16 口语交际:数字游民的生活 Life about digital nomad2017-11-16 口语交际:现在的孩子没时间玩 Today's children have no time to pl2017-11-16 口语交际:我会一直支持他的 I would back him up to the hilt2017-11-16 口语交际:约翰有了婚外恋John's leading a double wife2017-11-16 口语交际:一切都无法挽回了 It's all water over the dam2017-11-16 口语交际:我担心她会责备我 I'm afraid she will scold me2017-11-16 口语交际:她最好能多休息 She'd better lie in bed2017-11-16 口语交际:谈论智商和情商 Talking about IQ and EQ2017-11-16 口语交际:你是在哪里长大的? Where did you grow up?2017-11-16 口语交际:你的中国之行怎么样啊? How was your trip to China?2017-11-16 口语交际:我们有两周的假 We have two weeks off2017-11-16 口语交际:你真是变样了呢 You've really changed2017-11-16 口语交际:我听说你换了份新工作 I hear you have a new job2017-11-16 口语交际:你的美国之旅怎么样? How was your trip to the US?2017-11-16 口语交际:你住在哪里?Where do you live?2017-11-16 口语交际:我得了重感冒 I have a terrible cold2017-11-16 口语交际:他拒绝吃药 He refused to take the medicine2017-11-16 口语交际:那只是她的如意算盘 That is just wishful thinking2017-11-16 口语交际:离婚和孩子问题Getting divorce and the child2017-11-16 口语交际:他肯定是个大人物 He must be a big shot2017-11-16 口语交际:真是太糟了 That's a crying shame2017-11-16 口语交际:他是个快活的人 He's a gay dog2017-11-16 口语交际:你被抢劫了 You had a robbery2017-11-16 口语交际:他实在是个捣蛋鬼 He is indeed a trouble maker2017-11-16 口语交际:好好谈谈 To have a heart-to-heart talk2017-11-16 口语交际:不要匆忙下结论 Don't believe things in haste2017-11-16 口语交际:抓到小偷了 They've been caught!2017-11-16 口语交际:他是个守信的人 He's a man of his word2017-11-16 口语交际:他总是兜圈子He gives me a runaround2017-11-16 口语交际:离他远点 To be far away from him2017-11-16 口语交际:我喜欢露营 I enjoy camping2017-11-16 口语交际:亲子游 To do sightseeing with children2017-11-16
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