
口语交际:我很喜欢网络游戏 I'm really into video games2017-11-08 口语交际:周末的野餐 The picnic at the weekend2017-11-08 口语交际:去你家的最佳路线 The best way to get to your house2017-11-08 口语交际:和我一起去参加婚礼 Coming to the wedding with me2017-11-08 口语交际:这些日子太难找到工作 It's so hard finding work these da2017-11-08 口语交际:女孩与爱情 Girls and love2017-11-08 口语交际:世界最高峰 The Highest Mountain in the World2017-11-08 口语交际:你了解泰山吗? Do you know something about Mount Tai2017-11-08 口语交际:你打算买房子吗? Are you buying a house?2017-11-08 口语交际:你的着装与你的工作不相符 That dress doesn't match the job2017-11-08 口语交际:我听说你家人要来 I hear you are expecting your family2017-11-08 口语交际:关于家庭关系 About Family Relations2017-11-08 口语交际:他最近不太好 He Hasn't Been Himself Lately2017-11-07 口语交际:全家旅行 The Family Vacation2017-11-07 口语交际:我喜欢冬天 I Like Winter2017-11-07 口语交际:谈论四季 Talking About Four Seasons2017-11-07 口语交际:找朋友时看重的品质 Qualities in a Friend2017-11-07 口语交际:我是个爱好广泛的女孩子 I Am a Girl of Many Interests2017-11-07 口语交际:你都有什么爱好?What Are Your Hobbies?2017-11-07 口语交际:我喜欢摄影I Like Taking Photos2017-11-07 口语交际:我们去星巴克吧 Let's Go to Starbucks2017-11-07 口语交际:为什么不高兴 Why Is the Long Face?2017-11-07 口语交际:我是来接黛安的 I'm Here to Pick up Diane2017-11-07 口语交际:中国人的体育运动 Sports in China2017-11-07 口语交际:生命在于运动 Life Lies in Movement2017-11-07 口语交际:我想去滑冰 I Would Like to Go Skating2017-11-07 口语交际:我很喜欢NBA球赛 I Like NBA Very Much2017-11-07 口语交际:你会打网球吗? Can you play tennis?2017-11-07 口语交际:宴会上八卦 Gossiping at the Party2017-11-07 口语交际:那边那个大美女是谁? Who's that Striking Woman?2017-11-07 口语交际:我喜欢园艺 I like gardening2017-11-07 口语交际:相思病 Love Sick2017-11-07 口语交际:污浊的空气 The Dirty Air2017-11-07 口语交际:安静的乡村 Quiet Country2017-11-07 口语交际:严重的沙尘暴 Severe Sandstorms2017-11-07 口语交际:那片竹林多茂盛啊 That Bamboo Groves Are Flourishing2017-11-07 口语交际:关于沙尘暴 About Sandstorm2017-11-07 口语交际:暗恋 Having a Crush on Somebody2017-11-07 口语交际:求婚 Making a Proposal2017-11-07 口语交际:我们还是分手吧 I Think We Should Break up2017-11-07 口语交际:我们已经分手了 We Had Split up2017-11-07 口语交际:我和简刚分手 I Just Broke up with Jane2017-11-07 口语交际:出人意料 To Play a Dark Horse2017-11-07 口语交际:比分对我们有利 The Score Is in Our Favor2017-11-07 口语交际:比分是多少? What's the Score?2017-11-07 口语交际:轻松战胜对手 To Overpower Its Counterpart2017-11-07 口语交际:哪个队赢了? Which team won?2017-11-07 口语交际:比赛结果二平 The Game Ended in Two All2017-11-07 口语交际:我觉得他偏向主队 I Think He Favors the Host Team2017-11-07 口语交际:他的金牌当之无愧 He Deserved His Gold2017-11-07 口语交际:这是你的最好成绩吗?2017-11-07 口语交际:他跑了第一 He Won the First Place2017-11-07 口语交际:裁判全给了满分 It Won a Unanimous 102017-11-07 口语交际:这是比赛最精彩的场面之一2017-11-07 口语交际:奥林匹克口号 The Olympic Motto2017-11-07 口语交际:好球!Good Shot!2017-11-07 口语交际:我希望主队输掉 I Hope the Host Team Loses2017-11-07 口语交际:他状态欠佳 He's Not in Top Form2017-11-07 口语交际:他们的实力不相当 They Aren't Evenly Matched2017-11-07 口语交际:摔交手防守严密2017-11-07
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